Most Commonly Asked Questions
What's the Notice of Intention to Marry or NOIM?
The Notice of Intention to Marry or NOIM is the most important form that you need to complete in regards to getting your legal marriage plans underway. You can complete the NOIM yourself, or we do it together when we meet. Usually at the time of "lodging" your NOIM with me, is when I'll sight your legal documentation (passport OR original birth certificate and evidence of any previous marriage). Click here for the NOIM
How far in advance should we book you?
As soon as possible, as popular wedding months in Melbourne can book out early. The most popular months for weddings in Melbourne are October through to the end of March. Your booking fee (50%) secures your date and ensures that no further bookings will be made for the same day and time.
What is the first step in getting married?
Completing the Notice of Intention to Marry (NOIM) is usually the first step after you've made a booking. It's a legal document which must be given to me no later than one month before your wedding day and no more than 18 months prior to your wedding day. Often the NOIM is completed at a meeting with me. At the same time as your NOIM is lodged I'll sight your legal documentation, which is either an original birth certificate or passport and if you've been married before, evidence of how the previous marriage ended.
Can we get married in 2 weeks?
The legal requirement is that a minimum period of notice of your intention to marry is one clear month. If special circumstances exist you can apply for a “Shortening of Notice”. A Prescribed Authority must approve your request if the following circumstances exist:
Employment related or other travel commitments
Wedding or celebration arrangements or religious considerations
Medical reasons
Legal proceedings
Error in giving Notice
There is a fee charged by the registry office, which is not refundable if the shortening of notice is not granted.
How long will our ceremony take?
Your ceremony can take as little as a few minutes. A personalised wedding ceremony is usually about 30 minutes to 40 minutes. The average length of a ceremony is about 20 to 30 minutes (including signing of the marriage certificate)
How much input into our ceremony can we have?
Apart from a few legal requirements that must be included in your ceremony so it is legally binding, you can have as much or as little input into your ceremony as you wish. I will provide ideas and as much guidance as you wish in the creation and arrangement of your ceremony. Unless you have opted for a legal only ceremony, then you will receive my questionnaire, which you can complete at your leisure and which helps me write a unique and personalised wedding ceremony about the two of you.
Can you help me write my vows?
My ceremony resource kit contains a tip sheet on how to write your own marriage vows as well as a helpful template. You can also write your own from scratch or mix and match from a wide selection provided in the resource kit. I’m continuously adding to my collection of poetry, readings and wedding vows and am more than happy to assist you in finding the perfect words to express yourself and the promise/s you wish to make to your partner.
I'm changing my name after marriage, what signature do I use on my marriage certificate?
You sign your marriage certificate with your current signature. All legal paperwork relating to your marriage must be signed with the same signature. If you wish to have your married name reflected on official documents, such as your passport, then you will need your official BDM registered marriage certificate as evidence of your marriage. On your behalf I can apply to BDM Victoria for your registered marriage certificate, which will be sent to your nominated address.